Terms and Conditions

This Agreement was last modified on 4 September 2019.

Terms and conditionsIt would be ideal if you studied the taking after terms and conditions carefully. The utilization of our administrations is subject to your compliance and acknowledgment with the taking after statements.Once you subscribe or utilize any of our administrations, you concur that you simply have studied and caught on the terms and conditions and prepared to bound by the underneath articulations. General The site Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures is an e-commerce entity is a firm register as named furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures . Utilize of the site is subject to your acknowledgment without any adjustments to all the terms and conditions made by the Firm, as its sole tact and expressed on the website.User will concur to the terms and security approach of the Firm by:

  • Using the administrations and offices given by the site in any way.
  • Browsing the substance on the website.

The firm might not be required to inform you about the adjustments made within the terms; the reexamined terms ought to be decided by checking the site on a normal premise. Utilize of administrations and office on the site is subject to the current form of the policy, consequently to know approximately any upgrades within the approach should be the sole duty of the client.

Product Policy

The item appeared within the picture could be a reference item and the new made item can see distinctive from the one appeared within the picture due to different variables like lighting, manual clean, fabric variation, etc.

Please note that in case of partial board & wood items, slight grains would be unmistakable. There may be a slight variety in wrap up between the genuine item and the 3-D plans which are being shown on our site.


Furntiuredost by Balaji Furnitures gives a Web based stage to offer their items and stock on the site. Such administrations empower clients to buy domestic outfitting items upon putting an arrange. Once an arrange put, the Firm will dispatch the item, and the client will be entitled to pay for it.

Eligibility to Use

Concurring to the Indian Structure, a individual beneath the age of 18 is minor. Administrations and offices advertised on our site might not be accessible for minors. If it’s not too much trouble note in case you’re living exterior of India at that point it’s your obligation to create beyond any doubt whether you’re  qualified or not for our services.

Persons banished beneath the laws of India are not allowed to utilize our services.

The Firm saves the conclusion right to dismiss or allow the get to toe unused client or end the get to of existing clients, at any time. Too, the Firm should not be required to outfit any reason for it.

User Account, Password, and Security

The site enrollment handle empowers a client to get to the administrations. Certain client data is required to form an account at our site. It is the sole responsibility of the client to preserve the secrecy of the Client Id and watchword gotten upon completion of the enrollment. Clients are too capable for any action happened beneath the account, hence make beyond any doubt to exit at the conclusion of each session to anticipate unauthorized get to of your account or breach of security. The Firm might not be dependable for any misfortune or harm risen in case you come up short to comply the terms.

User is capable for the legitimacy of account data given amid the site enrollment handle. In case of accommodation of unfaithful, fragmented or wrong data the Firm has the conclusion rights to suspend or end your account.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

The Site is as it were a scene where clients may meet and associated with one another for their exchanges. Stage isn’t and cannot be a party to or control in any way any exchange between two clients of the Site. Stage not one or the other suggests You purchase or offer any products or administrations on the Site nor supports any such products or administrations nor gives any, guarantee, warranty or assurance about any merchandise or administrations made accessible on the Site. Advance, Site does not ensure, any guarantee, warranty or assurance on the conduct of any client of the Site counting any ensure, guarantee or confirmation that any client (whether buyer or dealer) will total any exchange or act in a judicious way. Spare as otherwise given within the clause titled “limitation of liability”, Your sole and elite cure and Platform’s sole and select duty and risk is to supply Your vital data (subject to the Security Approach and appropriate laws) for You to bargain with other clients of the Site (counting the dealers recorded on the Site) about any dispute.


Under no circumstances/events will furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind or damages whatsoever including without limitation, those resulting from loss of profit, loss of contracts, goodwill, data, information, income, anticipated savings or business relationships whether or not advised of the possibility of such damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or any linked websites.

Product and Pricing Information

The Estimating Data relating to the Item should be as shown on the Site and as uncovered to you at the time of Your purchase/order. We don’t ensure that the cost will be the least for comparative items inside any given region, city, locale or geology. Costs and accessibility are subject to alter without take note or any noteworthy risk to you. Whereas Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures endeavors to supply exact data relating to Items and Administrations counting estimating data, but typographical and other mistakes may happen. Within the occasion that a Item or Benefit is recorded at an inaccurate cost or with incorrect data due to an mistake, Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures will have the correct to alter the cost of the Item or Administrations and contact You for advance enlightening by means of email address given by You at the time of enrollment, or cancel the arrange and inform You of such cancellation the off chance that Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures cancels the arrange after the installment has been handled, the said sum will be transmitted to Your account from which the installment was made.

Use of Material

  1. The Firm gifts you a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable right to get to the item catalog or any other fabric accessible on the site. In understanding with the terms, you may:
    • Access the fabric for individual, inside an instructive purpose.
    • Not change the fabric accessible on the website.
    • Not expel any copyright or restrictive takes note accessible on the website.
  1. The plan, format and see, and feel of the site are secured beneath mental property rights, in this way replicating of the same should not be allowed here in.
  2. Unless or something else allowed, clients are not permitted to download or introduce any of the program accessible on the site.

Usage Conduct

  • Fundamental necessities to get to and execute on the site, such as computer and Web association, might be the sole duty of the user.
  • The site ought to be utilized for the sensible reason as it were, clients should not enjoy in exercises that are not anticipated by the website.
  • Loss or harm emerges out of decaf authorization for a exchange should not be the obligation of the Firm.

Intellectual Property Rights

The site, writings, illustrations, UI, visual interfacing, pictures, sounds and music, codes on the site is claimed and controlled by Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures and the plan, structure, choice, coordination, expression, look-and-feel and course of action of such Substance is ensured by copyright, obvious and trademark laws, and different other mental property rights.

The trademarks, logos and benefit marks shown on the Site are the property of Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures . You’re not allowed to utilize these Marks without the earlier assent of Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures .

Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures possesses all mental property rights to the trademark “Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures” and variations thereof, and the space title, counting, without restriction, any and all rights, title and intrigued in and to copyright, related rights, licenses, exchange privileged insights and innovations (obvious pending), goodwill, source code, meta labels, databases, content, substance, illustrations, symbols, and hyperlinks.

But as explicitly given in this, you recognize and concur simply should not duplicate, republish, post, show, decipher, transmit, replicate or disseminate any Substance through any medium without getting the fundamental authorization from Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures.

User Obligations

  1. Your get to the site could be a non-exclusive constrained benefit, which is subject to compliance with the Terms of Use.
  2. The Administrations, Site and the materials advertised to a client can as it were be utilized for purposes that are allowed by: (a) the Terms; and (b) any appropriate law, direction or important wards.
  3. You concur to follow to the impediments on circulation, utilize and generation of any fabric gotten to from us in agreement to the Terms said within the ‘Use of Material’ section.
  4. You concur not to get to the website, the fabric or the administrations through any other interface, which isn’t given by the Firm. Utilize of deep-link, robot, insect or other programmed gadget, program, calculation or strategy, or any other comparable prepare to get to or endeavor or get to the site or substance (or any parcel thereof) might be entirely prohibited.
  5. The Firm repudiates all the liabilities emerging in connection to hostile, foul or something else questionable substance that’s uncovered to a client whereas getting to the website.
  6. The substance posted or transferred on the site ought to not be hostile and ought to be in agreement to the appropriate laws. Clients are legitimately obligated for the substance they post. Subsequently you acknowledge not to:
    • Discredit, bug, manhandle or damage the legitimate rights
    • Impersonate any individual or substance, or distort your alliance with a person
    • Publish, post or disseminate any unseemly, defamatory, indecent, disgusting or illegal fabric or information
    • Upload the records, computer program or other fabric ensured by mental property laws that are not claimed by you
    • Transfer records containing infection or comparative program which will harm the website
    • Undertake any action that disturbs the site, the servers or systems associated to the website
    • Seek unauthorized get to the framework or arrange or to any server of the site, or any endeavor to pick up get to through ill-conceived implies such as hacking
    • Scan the powerlessness or breach the confirmation degree of the site or systems associated to the website
    • Harm the site, assets, accounts, servers, systems associated to the websites, or any joins partnered to it
    • Collect or share information approximately other users
    • Use of any gadget to meddled the working of the website
    • Use of the website substance or fabric that’s illegal. Or to hone any unlawful action that damages the rights of the Firm
    • Conduct studies, pyramid plans, challenges or chain letters
    • Download files of another, clients posted on the site that’s illicit to be conveyed in such way;
    • Erase any creator attributions, lawful takes note, restrictive assignments, names of the root of the program contained within the transferred file
    • Infringe code of conduct pertinent for to or any specific service
    • Breach pertinent laws or controls in drive inside or exterior India and
    • Reverse build, duplicate, apportion, show, replicate, distribute, permit, exchange or offer any data obtained from the Website.
  1. You concur merely are exclusively dependable for any misfortune or harm or any breach of your commitments beneath the terms.
  2. Acknowledge that Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures  is encouraging the items from different merchants. Subsequently the Firm might not be assumed to be the vender of such administrations. The Firm might not be dependable for any certifications, guarantee or ensure advertised by the sellers.


  1. The term will proceed to apply until ended by you or Furnituredost  by Balaji Furnitures Assist, you will end the assertion by:
    • Not getting to the website
    • Closing your account on our website
  1. Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures at its sole and outright caution may end the terms of utilize with or without cause at any time if:
  2. Terms, conditions or any arrangement of the Firm, appropriate to you is violated.
  3. The arrangement of the administrations to you gets to be unlawful.
  4. The arrangement of the services to you is not commercially viable.
  5. The Firm chooses to cease the get to the site, in common or particularly, for you.
  6. Termination or suspension due to specialized reasons may incorporate, expulsion of get to the site, cancellation of client material (including records and fabric of client with account data), avoid you from getting to our website.
  7. The Firm should not be at risk to any third party for such termination.
  8. You recognize that end might not influence your liabilities and obligation.


Orders may be put through mail, phone, or in individual at either of our store areas. We’ll work with you on a one-on-one premise to assist you make the perfect blend of finish and wood lacquer to fit your domestic or office. Our generation group will start development upon endorsement and receipt of installment in full. If it’s not too much trouble survey the buy arrange and joined drawings (in the event that appropriate) carefully for mistakes and/or exclusions. Endorsing the buy arrange constitutes acknowledgment and full obligation for any blunders, exclusions and lawful compliance in this record and the buy arrange. Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures cannot acknowledge risk for any blunders neglected once the receipt has been affirmed and paid for. Any changes made to an receipt are subject to extra charges.


We acknowledge all kind of card payments and online payment. There’s a 5–7 trade day hold set on all checks gotten. Stock cannot be held without installment. Costs and accessible stock are subject to alter until an arrange is marked and paid for installment is due in full at the time of arrange.

Violation of the TERMS & CONDITIONS

The Firm, in its sole and outright tact, may end the get to the site of any client in case of infringement of the terms or extra terms. You assent to the injunctive or evenhanded cure taken by us after the negation of the terms of utilize that causes unsalvageable misfortune to the Firm.

You concur to repay and hold safe Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures , its member, chiefs, representatives from and against any and all misfortunes, liabilities, harms, claims and costs caused by the Firm that developed of encroachment, non-performance of any guarantee or commitment performed by you.

Further, you concur to hold the Firm safe against any claims made by any third party due to your utilize of the site that caused harmed to a third party. The Firm will too be entitled to recover from you and you concur to pay any taken a toll and expenses of such activity.

Governing Law

Terms, exchanges and any shared claims between you and the Firm might be represented in agreement with the laws of India.

All claims and debate emerging in association with the site might be subject to the elite locale of the Raipur, C.G.

Report Abuse

As per terms, clients can be held legitimately at risk for each substance or fabric posted on the site, and lawfully responsible on the off chance that the substance or fabric is defamatory or secured by copyright and trademark. In case you come over any mishandle or infringement of the terms, if you don’t mind report to our Client SUPPORT.


Will the product be exactly as shown on the Website?

Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures tries its best to convey Items and Administrations precisely the way they are portrayed on the Site. In any case, the nature and propensity of common material-based items is that each piece of furniture is one of a kind in its possess way. Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures  thusly renounces any ensures of precision of the wrap up or appearance of the ultimate Items or Administrations requested by the Client over and over for the most part worthy guidelines on the same. The quality of the Items, Administrations, data, or other fabric obtained or gotten by you through the Site may not meet your expectations.


Notwithstanding of whether you Acknowledge or Dismiss the shipment. You have got the choice of having the driver note the harm and Acknowledge the piece or Dismiss the harmed thing and have the driver note the harm. YOU, The Client, will be Dependable for making yourself Accessible for taking the Conveyance and Reviewing the Item at the time of Conveyance. On the off chance that you authorize the item to be conveyed in your non-appearance or without your review, you consequently speak to that the item is gotten in great condition and will void all rights to returns, claims and protections.

On the off chance that harm has happened, you agree to deny As it were the thing that’s damaged and make documentations on the cargo charge. You’re moreover required to submit advanced photos of harmed fabric that ought to be clearly unmistakable within the computerized photo to substantiate the claim inside one week of getting the shipment. We’ll require a few advanced photos clearly demonstrating the harm. In cases where numerous things are portion of an arrange, protections claims are restricted to the esteem of the harmed thing or things after the over said prove is submitted and endorsed. Things gotten in great condition or without any prove of harm as stipulated over will be charged as recorded over within the installment section.

Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures  does not acknowledge conveyance enlightening to any other address but the substantial conveyance address indicated at the time of the arrange. In case the conveyance address is blocked off or invalid, the client concurs to pay the buy arrange sum and the extra conveyance charges. We too emphatically prompt against any client ask to pick-up package(s) from the trucker’s terminal or any area other than the conveyance address. In such a case, Furnitutrdost by Balaji Furnitures will not be at risk for any harms at all, ought to any harms be found afterward.

Furnitutedost by Balaji Furnitures  isn’t at risk for harms other than those said on the trucker’s conveyance receipt. It would be ideal if you guarantee you assess the substance of all bundles some time recently marking on the trucker’s receipt. The trucker will not unbox or open the Bundle. You the customer will have to open the boxes and Review the Substance. You’ll Be able to dent the Acknowledge Conveyance On the off chance that the trucker doesn’t Permit you To Examine the Bundle. We will be going to re-schedule Conveyance accordingly.

Unless something else famous, shipping and conveyance charges are not included within the arrange add up to at the time of buy. Conveyance & shipping gauges are great confidence gauges as it were and are subject to alter at any time. Transport time gauges by third party carriers cannot be ensured by Furnituredost by Balaji Furnitures.

Can I initiate a return on a custom product?

Orders Cannot be Returned or Refunded But, If their are any damaged Products it can be replaced.


We save the correct to re-examine and revise this disclaimer from time to time and any changed form will be deemed to be pertinent from the primary date of distribution on this site.